Friendship Church
The New Tradition at 10:30 AM
So we're traditional - that doesn't mean stuffy, old fashioned or just plain old. We ARE old, of course, but we are also young. We are wise and we are foolish. We are clever and not so bright. We are saints and we are sinners, never forget. We are all these things.
Our New Tradition worship follows the ancient forms of western liturgy without becoming stale and devoid of meaning or purpose.
We gather to proclaim God's grace, love and peace, and over many centuries, the most proven, efficient, and effective means of worship has come down to this.
It may seem alien to you, if you've never heard organ music before, or if you're unaccustomed to singing together with people you don't necessarily know. That's fine, we're all in this together.
But understand an organ well maintained (ours is) and played by someone who knows what they're doing (ours does) can be a wonderful leader helping strangers to sing together. Our choir helps with this as song leaders and example setters.
Lutheran liturgy is a SUNG liturgy, sometimes a call and response between pastor and people, sometimes in a hymn we sing together, sometimes in a special anthem our choir prepares for us. Some folks say traditional worship is too intellectual and not from the heart, but ours is BOTH mentally stimulating AND emotionally charged. After all, humans are both head AND heart, not one or the other!
And in every way, we attempt to make our worship relevant, practical and suited to our place and time. We worship Jesus Christ, after all, who came to us in the form of a servant, dwelt with us here in this place, and took on our form to bring us to God.
We try to use that same pattern every Sunday to bring people closer to God. It's been working well since the Apostles' days, and here since 1833. You can call it old fashioned, but we've been doing this since long before any of us were alive, and our children will be doing this same thing long after we are gone. So join in with the song of our ancestors, the song our children will someday sing. It's not something to be learned in a day: It's not the easiest thing to do on a Sunday morning. But it's deep and rich and true, just like the Gospel.