Friendship Church
We Serve the Lord.
You better believe we do! How, you ask? Let me count the ways....
First of all, we set forth the Lord's praise. That's an old way of saying we worship the Living God. When we gather for worship, we rely on the Lord Jesus' promise "Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them." When we worship, we can hear the Lord's voice more clearly. When we worship, we can tune our hearts to the frequency of God's love.
When we worship, we can sense God's presence, feel God's love, and open our hearts to the Holy Spirit's indwelling power. All of these things can happen to us at any time, day or night, but since God promises to meet us in worship, especially in the Eucharist (or Holy Communion), well, that's where we EXPECT it. So we take pains to worship in spirit and in truth.
Secondly, we devote ourselves to the Word. That is, we gather to study God's Word. Classes for all ages gather every Sunday to learn the Word, to think about God's mission, and how we can serve the Kingdom better.
Thirdly, we engage in daily following Jesus - in our work, in our schools, among our friends and family, being daily transformed by the Spirit of God. This daily repentance and forgiveness and faithfulness instills in us faith, hope and love for our neighbor and ourselves.
Fourthly, we engage in specific ministries to help our neighbor here and around the world. We respond to local crises with resources gathered from the community - be it furniture for folks suffering from fire or flood, or money to pay energy or water bills. We support local food bank efforts with donations and helping transport fresh produce in season. We gather to raise funds for worthy causes on a regular basis. We are creative in finding ways to help our neighbors that last beyond a season, even though we know the devil's kingdoms of poverty, race and injustice are strong. Our kingdom of faith, hope and love is stronger still.
So join your efforts with ours. We can do more together than we can separately, and it's incredibly more fun to serve together. There is ALWAYS something we can do to improve this world God loves. Help us do it!