Gratitude Attitude
A trend began a few years ago on Facebook called the 30 Days of Gratitude. Basically, you post daily about something or someone you are...

Reflecting on 50 years of Ordination of Women: Where are we today?
NC Synod releases an important video on the reality of serving as a female rostered minister in the world today. Some of the comments in...

Why go to church?
Doesn't God love me unconditionally? Why can't I worship on my own, by myself, in nature, or at home, etc? Well,of course you can worship...

We Use to Do That!....
So there's a picture. I had a local artist draw up some images for me last year. It occurs to me that Christians WANT to share the...

Resolution Success
Like many people each January I make a New Year's resolution. Over the years I've been both successful and more often, not so successful...

Advent? What's that?
As we approach the church season of Advent you may be wondering what it is all about? Advent means coming or arrival. The season marks...

Welcoming Seasons of Change
Yesterday Greg and I went hiking with our dogs. I love walking through the woods during Autumn because it reminds me of the seasons of...

Another shooting? Again Lord?
How do we respond to yet another mass shooting in our country? So many feelings rise up: anger, lament, horror, and (dare we admit it?)...
Politics, Religion, and All of Reality (kinda)
Scholars live by a rigid law: Publish or die. Theologians abide by this rule, and sometimes they publish systematic theologies, which can...

The Gospel Amid Politics
I had never been to a protest before last Monday’s gathering at Lenoir Rhyne University. Truthfully, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I...